Famous Guests

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Famous Guests of the Mahoning Inn

"The Sopranos"

Movie Star Vinney Vella, Bill Singh and Movie Star Rich Rossi during their stay May 2013

Movie Stars Vinney Vella and Rich Rossi

Vinney played Jimmy Petrile in the HBO hit show "The Sopranos"
But, some feel that Vella's signature role was that of "Artie Piscano" in Martin Scorsese's "Casino."

Rich Rossi played the dramatic role of
FBI agent Mike Waldrup in the HBO hit show "The Sopranos"
He also produced "Saving Little Italy" and "Night Bird"

"As an actor and producer in the entertainment business,
I travel quite a bit throughout the world.
The hospitality, courteous nature and kindness of the personnel was exceptional.
The owner Bill Singh and his staff...
couldn't do enough to make our stay fablous.
The rooms were clean and pristine.The views were great.
I highly recommend staying here."...Rich Rossi

"Thank you for all of your help.
Everything has been so nice
You are the Star"...Vinny Vella

To see more about the Stars, click on link below

Movie Stars at the opening of Mahoning Drive Inn


The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra

Bill Singh and The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra

Edward Gatson, Bill Singh and Terry Myers

Terry Myers and Edward Gatson during their stay in April 2013

"Terry Myers is undoubtedly one of the best all-around reed players in the country today."
So said Buddy Morrow, former leader of the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra.
"His versatility and expertise on the clarinet and saxophone are a treat to the ears"

Edward Gatson is the Road Manager, Jazz and Split Lead Trumpet at the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra

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